Bentley is now 10 month post op from his (R) hip FHO surgery and 5 month from the (L) hip. He is walking and running without a limp. He can jump up on a table from ground level. The only thing that reminds us of his surgery's is that when he jumps he has to gauge the jump for a few seconds before he actually makes the jump. This is to insure himself that he can make it. His Vet said that this is normal and that he most likely will be doing this for the rest of his life. It is really nothing, just something that I had noticed.
To help Bentley overcome his atrophy my husband build him a ramp that leads from our kitchen window out to our fenced pool area. Walking up and down the ramp helped Bentley tremendously to build his leg muscles up again. The atrophy is completely gone and he has no more pain. We also took him on a lot of leash walks and made him climb stairs which all helpedin his recovery.
Bentley and I wish all of you Happy Holidays and a Merry Christmas. Hang in there with your little Patients. It is a long recovery period but they do get better in the end. AHealthy, Happy & Prosperous New Yearto all of you!!!