Thursday, December 12, 2013

Christmas wishes from Bentley

Merry Christmas and a happy, healthy and prosperous new Year to all!

                                    Best wishes from Barbara & Bentley

Please help.... keep this Blog going by posting your experience, so that others can read and learn. When Bentley underwent his surgery I couldn't hardly find anything online to help us cope with the experience.

Bentley is doing great, completely recovered from his ordeal. One would never know by watching him jump and run that he once underwent a double FHO. Bentley and I hope and pray that all of you will have the same wonderful outcome!


Saturday, March 30, 2013

Bentley had his 1 Year FHO post op check up with the Vet!

Bentley had his 1 Year FHO post op check up with the Vet!

We took Bentley to the Vet for his yearly Wellness check up and to have his double FHO post op hips looked at. Bentley got a clean bill of health. Both of his hips have healed completely!  Bentley can walk, run and jump with no problems. He is one happy boy ;)

I however, have another interesting fact I like to make my Blog readers aware of....Vaccinations!!!

We decided not to give any more booster vaccines to Bentley. He had all of his kitten core vaccinations and his 1 year boosters. He should have enough immunity by now... to last him a lifetime. We live in southern California... so by law we will have to give him the Rabies Vaccine...but not every year! We opted for every 3 years on the Rabies but no further Feline Distemper or Feline Leukemia Vaccines.

Bentley is at a very low risk in contacting any of these diseases. He only is allowed outside on supervised leash walks in our yard. He does not roam freely and he does not come in contact with unknown cats. His chances of catching any of these diseases are very slim.

I provided 5 YouTube links below, where you can listen to 2 Veterinarians talking about the dangers of over vaccinating your pets.

Dr Karen Becker:

Dr. Karen Becker Interviews Dr. Schultz (Expert on Animal Vaccines) (Part 1 of 4)

Dr. Karen Becker Interviews Dr. Schultz (Part 2 of 4)

Dr. Karen Becker Interviews Dr. Schultz (Part 3 of 4)

Dr. Karen Becker Interviews Dr. Schultz (Part 4 of 4)

We are glad to have found these Interviews!

Happy Easter to you and yours :)

Friday, February 8, 2013

Update...Bentley went up a tree today!

I took Bentley outside in our yard today to play with his little feline friend Hannah. Bentley kept watching Hannah climbing up trees. All of a sudden he started to walk around a tree whining as if he was going to tell us something and then before we knew it, he took a running start and up the tree he went with no problem! I was in disbelieve!!! He went up about 5 feet!!! I got so worried that I picked him off the tree to help him down. I thought for sure that he must had pulled something....but "No" he was fine and so proud of himself. Don't forget that Bentley is a huge cat weighing 20lbs. That is a lot of weight to pull up a tree but he did it with ease.
 I think that after today's event it is safe to say now, that Bentley has fully recovered from his FHO surgery's on both sides. Next month will be the year marker since he had the first FHO on the (R) side and in June it will be a year since he had the FHO on the (L) side.   

Good luck to all of you with your little patients...have faith and patience they will get better.

Bentley's Mommy